平成28年度 第7回農山漁村コミュニティビジネスセミナー【今、話題のDMO。世界の人が集うこのゲストハウス「有鄰庵」のノウハウ】開催結果
12年前倉敷のまちづくり活動『倉敷まちづくりネットワーク』で2004年初代世話人代表をつとめ、『倉敷ナンバー導入』『高梁川沿線のオーガニック農家を集めた三歳市開催』などの活動に関わる。 2010年にまちづくりの非営利団体『倉敷まちなか居住くるま座有鄰庵』を企画、地域の魅力を世界に発信し、交流する拠点づくりを行う。地域の住民の支持を得、全国的にも貴重な国指定重要伝統建築物保存地区の中の貴重な場所で築100年以上の町屋を預かりゲストハウスや古民家カフェの運営を始める。 当時県内ではゲストハウスが存在せず、100人に97人からは失敗すると言われながら、わずか2年で52カ国以上(稼働率99%)、年間40000人以上が集まる地域発信の拠点へと成長、3年目に入る年には日本国内に留まらず、世界各国の国営放送や日本の地方の魅力を紹介する新たな取組として取材が殺到。 世界最大の旅行サイト「トリップアドバイザー®」の「エクセレンス認証(Certificate of Excellence)」 を2年連続受賞。その後フランスで有鄰庵が紹介されヨーロッパ全土に波及、ANA(全日空)の飛行機で日本の文化の紹介番組に紹介されるなど地域の魅力を世界に発し、観光庁長官から取組を表彰され、まちに対する経済普及効果は現在では5億円を超える。 現在はその実積を買われ、全国の地域や行政から古民家利活用、インバウンド、DMOや地域プロモーションの依頼が各地域から複数舞い込んでおり、瀬戸内の島等で新たな事業を展開する。 有鄰庵のライフスタイルに憧れ移住者が海外からも多く、またゲストハウスを開業したいひとからの相談が多く地域の魅力を発信する全国ゲストハウスサミット・ゲストハウス開業合宿などの企画を展開している。 『田舎でなりわいをつくる合宿』『古民家活用合宿』の講演を行っている。


12月7日(水)第7回 農山漁村コミュニティ・ビジネスセミナー
【今、話題のDMO。世界の人が集うこのゲストハウス「有鄰庵」のノウハウ】NPO法人Earth Cube Japan代表理事 中村 功芳 氏をお迎えし開催しました。中村さん講演ありがとうございました。また、参加者の皆さんも活発な質疑応答もありがとうございました。
中村さんが「倉敷まちなか居住 くるま座 有鄰庵(ゆうりんあん)」をはじめた理由から、開業当初は、お客様来ず、苦労した話。倉敷が今後10年後、さらにその先残っていくためには、どうような観光地であるべきなのか。深い考えと実践してきた経験から導きだされたビジネスノウハウの数々を丁寧にお教えいただきました。
NPO法人Earth Cube Japan 代表理事 中村 功芳 氏とは、
Mr. Atsuyoshi Nakamura Representative director of NPO Earth Cube Japan
In 2010, Mr. Nakamura planned a community based NPO organization “U-Rin-An, the lifestyle of Kurashiki” in Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter to disseminate the charms of Kurashiki to the world and made a base for interaction. With the support of the residents, he renovated a town house that was built over 100 years ago into a guesthouse and cafe in the historical quarter that preserves traditional Japanese streets and houses from Edo, Meiji, and Taisho period.
At that time, there were no other guesthouses in Okayama prefecture, and 97 people out of 100 people said that he would fail. However within the two years of operation, 4000 people from more than 52 countries (99% occupancy) stayed each year. As the guesthouse enters its third year, there has been many requests to broadcast this venture of introducing rural areas not only nationwide but also from around the globe.
This property has been awarded the Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence for 2 consecutive years. In France, U-Rin-An was shown on television and on an in-flight program viewed on ANA flights, the guesthouse and region was introduced. His efforts were awarded by the Minister of Tourism Agency and the annual economic effect on town now exceeds 500 million yen. Currently, multiple requests from the rural areas and rural governments nationwide regarding the utilization of old private houses, foreign tourism, DMO and regional promotion are continuously arriving and he is now pursuing a new project for the Setouchi Islands. There are many people from overseas that long for a lifestyle like U-Rin-An and there are plans such as the nationwide Guesthouse Summit / Guesthouse training camp for those desiring to open a guest house. He is now on tour leacturing about "A training camp to learn how to make a living in the countryside", “Training camp to learn how to utilize old private residences”.
I petitioned my friends by saying, "This will be the model of living with spiritual happiness” and “There is Paris in the West and Kurashiki in the Orient," and I started to borrow money from them.
December 7, 2016 (Wed) 7th Rural Community Business Seminar
Presently DMO is a hot topic. Everything you would like to know about the guest house "Yurian" where people from around the world gather
Our guest speaker was Mr. Atsuyoshi Nakamura representative director of NPO Earth Cube Japan. Thank you very much for today’s lecture, Mr. Nakamura. And I would like to thank the audience for actively participating in the question and answer session.
Mr. Nakayama spoke of his hardships when he first opened "Kurumaza Yurian” in the town of Kurashiki. They had no customers. How he sees Kurashiki ten years from now and how should we preserve it? What kind of tourist spot should Kurashiki be? We were able to learn his business know-how derived from deep thinking and how he put it into practice.
In the middle of the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter lined with traditional wooden buildings, is a tasteful renovated old private house is a community accommodation that welcomes 4,000 travelers annually. It is based on the concept of “staying in a 100 year old private house where you can taste the life of a town house”. The guesthouse was made so that you can enjoy exchanges with various people both domestically and abroad and it has been awarded the Excellence certification of the world's largest travel site "Trip Advisor" for the two year consecutively. For the people in the area to understand the concept, Mr. Nakayama petitioned his friends by saying, "This will be the model of living with spiritual happiness” and “There is Paris in the West and Kurashiki in the Orient," and he started to borrow money from them to start the guesthouse.
While facing many issues, Nakamura's belief is to think positively and he is prepared to address each task without thinking it as a struggle. Presently he is still going around the country to spread the word of his concept.
Mr. Nakamura himself does not speak English, but he can understand what people are saying by looking at their eyes and listening through his ears. He said that there is no problem with communication when welcoming overseas travelers to the guesthouse. So that foreigner can experience. They have made a short film to promote the Kurashiki district to foreigners. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR83_A2ye4k

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